Friday, August 20, 2010

Why are there so many successful single women?

How in the hell did we get like this, there's so many wonderful, beautiful, successful women that are single. Have women fell victim to the out culture stereotypes: the career driven, dream- fulfilled and ambitious women that has enough passion to stop world hungry.

There are so many women out there similar to The Devil Wears Prada, Andrea Sachs; a young girl who moves to New York to chase her dreams. Her professional adventure was like living in hell but she would do anything just to pursue her dreams of someday becoming a journalist. And well she came into her journey with a committed boyfriend and ended up single with a committed career.

Instead of investing in a future with someone, women are putting that time towards their careers. Women are falling in love with their careers, especially now that we live in a day and age where we can do everything for ourselves. We have become in love with that phrase- I'm happy being single. Yes, it does have it ups but when it's all said and done and you come home from your career. Who do you have to share it with?

When it comes to marriages, those numbers are decreasing everyday in America. Statistics show that simply women (specifically career girls) are not getting married. It's the less-educated, simple job women who are filling the marriage gap.

It seems if a woman has the full package: brains, beauty, goal-oriented, career and the list could go on; she would in fact be in a relationship. However, for some odd reason one too many believe women need to lower their standards. In the most recent years, men's statuses are lower with a lack of money, power and influence. There is a role reversal in this generation of time. This makes it very difficult for these career girls to find a partner.

So what's a girl to do? Well, never lower your standards but always evaluate them. As, you get older; your needs and realistic expectations change. Make sure you're able to recognize the relevant qualities of man when he comes your way; the common values and goals, thoughtfulness, intelligence, respect and a mutual attraction. 

1 comment:

  1. This image is the working woman is such a joke. The woman who posed for this quit her job two weeks later because it was too hard, and too dangerous for women to be doing. She passed away last Winter.
