Showing posts with label dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dating. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Review: Go Go Answer Get @Wale

According to the dictionary definition, a 'girlfriend' a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved and a 'boyfriend' a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman. These expressions have existed since the Victorian times, a girl is "romantically involved" with her "lover" – all hinting towards a sexual relationship. In extension, the romantic interest is serious- an exclusive relationship. Referring to someone as your 'girlfriend' or your 'boyfriend' is a specific description.

Relationship titles have changed, however. In our parent's day and age, couples went steady. The term boyfriend/girlfriend meant someone you were serious about. Today these terms are used in high school as "more an accessory used to decorate a sentence." (i.e. 'I'm goin' to the movies with my boyfriend/girlfriend.')

Titles have become meaningless. What signifies a boyfriend or girlfriend – just the sense of security, entitlement, or the ability to claim someone as your own. I know so many women that feel validated by titles, hearing him say, 'Hey, this is my girl.' Unfortunately, for men it doesn't work that way- they want their options, not to feel tied down to just one woman and to answer to no one about who they've been fucking. As Wale puts it, "Us men like to have the safety valve. The option to be able to say, 'But we're not in a relationship.' In other words, a get-out-of-pu$$y-jail-free card."

But my question is, what do you refer to someone that you've dating for some time, "the not-quite-my-boyfriend-but-we-still-f*c% associate." So many times, I myself have gotten into these types of relationship situations because it's too hard to gage someone's true feelings. No one wants to be the first to admit how they feel- women today find themselves putting it all out on the table (sometimes too early) and 'men' don't know how to deal.

To let the truth be told, men nowadays don't want to accept responsibility-they want to ignore the known and continue to go through their relationships with blinders. They've forgotten about the dates, deep conversations, showing you off to his friends and maybe even family and at the end of the night, lay you down as if you are the only one. But as time passes by, days turn into months-months turn into seasons- seasons turn into years- years of the same thing with no commitment. The ability to do all those boyfriend/girlfriend or relationship things with no commitment to each other.

Bottom-line no one likes restrictions, no matter from where or whom it's coming from. With commitment come restrictions. Restriction in a dictionary definition means something that restricts; a restrictive condition or regulation; limitation. "Not being able to sleep around, not being able to go to clubs every other night, and constant nagging about the aforementioned."

As the world continues to evolve, so does our culture, beliefs, and values. Will we ever get back to the golden times of when love was nothing to be ashamed of and we're not too scared to step up to the plate and call someone our boyfriend/girlfriend? I personally believe especially with my generation, we are too far gone. We have gotten away from the quite simple steps of courting someone and identifying him or her as the potential one. The title of boyfriend/girlfriend carries heavy weight of a potential future, building a life together to make that ultimate step of marital bliss.

Our society has made everything about convenience, with meaningless titles of boo, significant other, or just plain ole fuck buddy. But who's to say by putting the title of boyfriend/girlfriend will make everything ok or less complicated. Love and emotions cannot be easily defined, and it changes, sometimes day to day, or even hour to hour. So I guess what I'm trying to say is nothing in life is predictable or guaranteed. And no, no one wants to get hurt or have their heartbroken but I'd rather love than not have loved at all. Nothing in life is easy and neither is love and relationships.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog Review: Go Go Answer Get @Wale

I never did understand why "we adore those who ignore us and ignore who adores us". It's a silly cat and mouse game that we love to play. No one likes to feel vulnerable but that's the only way that we can achieve #thatthing. The feeling of not knowing- wrecking your brain trying to figure out if their thinking about you as much as your thinking about them. "Many of us can attest to…constant checking of the cell phone you left by a window in order to get perfect service in case they call." Like myself I'm guilty of "forcing yourself to go out with your friends just to stop thinking about them- which usually doesn't work because you're still checking your damn phone!"

When did love become so easy to achieve but mutually hard to maintain? Did the high school chasing games follow us into our adult years? These questions do lead someone to believe- "Good girls go for bad guys."

I don't know why so many good girls fall for bad guys- I myself was at that stage in my life, once upon a time. The bad guys had the big fast cars, own place, and a personality that could captivate the room. On the other hand, the good guys were the ones into the books, didn't go out much, introvert personality and seemed to know nothing about having fun.

Lord knows I've dated all types of men; good, bad and then some. According to the Wale I am not single, "I don't believe there is such a thing as being single. Like single, single. There is always someone your mind or heart is with, whether it be an ex or a friend who doesn't know it yet. There is always somebody else. "This is very well true and I can't disagree.

But when it's all said in the name of #thatthing good guys and good girls do finish last. Your love for someone can be right but the timing could be all wrong. When people get over the taboo of love, remove the blinders and are both willing to become vulnerable then #thatthing is attainable. As Wale stated, "just remember, getting completely wrapped up in one person when they have several options, is to play Russian roulette with your heart and mind."

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