Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog Review: Go Go Answer Get @Wale

I never did understand why "we adore those who ignore us and ignore who adores us". It's a silly cat and mouse game that we love to play. No one likes to feel vulnerable but that's the only way that we can achieve #thatthing. The feeling of not knowing- wrecking your brain trying to figure out if their thinking about you as much as your thinking about them. "Many of us can attest to…constant checking of the cell phone you left by a window in order to get perfect service in case they call." Like myself I'm guilty of "forcing yourself to go out with your friends just to stop thinking about them- which usually doesn't work because you're still checking your damn phone!"

When did love become so easy to achieve but mutually hard to maintain? Did the high school chasing games follow us into our adult years? These questions do lead someone to believe- "Good girls go for bad guys."

I don't know why so many good girls fall for bad guys- I myself was at that stage in my life, once upon a time. The bad guys had the big fast cars, own place, and a personality that could captivate the room. On the other hand, the good guys were the ones into the books, didn't go out much, introvert personality and seemed to know nothing about having fun.

Lord knows I've dated all types of men; good, bad and then some. According to the Wale I am not single, "I don't believe there is such a thing as being single. Like single, single. There is always someone your mind or heart is with, whether it be an ex or a friend who doesn't know it yet. There is always somebody else. "This is very well true and I can't disagree.

But when it's all said in the name of #thatthing good guys and good girls do finish last. Your love for someone can be right but the timing could be all wrong. When people get over the taboo of love, remove the blinders and are both willing to become vulnerable then #thatthing is attainable. As Wale stated, "just remember, getting completely wrapped up in one person when they have several options, is to play Russian roulette with your heart and mind."

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