There needs to be new standards in place with the education of Public Relations (PR). Since the Public Relations industry i constantly changing, so does the education of PR. It's important there's a solid curriculum, academics and professional teaching courses. Combining the fundamental of PR with the practical experiences will ensure success of your PR professionals.
The public relations students are curious and dedicated but as previously mentions they need to remember the PR fundamentals. To ensure the future of the public relations industry, it’s critical to balance old habits with new techniques. It’s important to stay upbeat with each other through networking opportunities and PR societies such as the Public Relations Society of American (PRSA) and the Public Relations Student Society of American (PRSSA). The PRSA and PRSSA are sister societies that cultivate a favorable and mutually advantageous relationship between students and professional public relations practitioners.
Each year the PRSSA hosts a National Conference in conjunction with the PRSA International Conference for professional development and networking. Students and professionals from across the country meet to discuss the field of public relations new trends in the industry and skill building tactics.
The National Conference will provide attendees with a wide exposure of tools, resources and services for the public relations industry. It is an excellent opportunity for students pursuing careers in public relations to network, discuss new trends in the industry and learn professional development tactics.
The 2009 National Conference will be held in San Diego CA November 6-10. The high-impact, dynamic Conference will cover sessions on technology, fashion and health care public relations, crisis communications, diversity of the work place and much more. Announcing the keynote speaker, Kelly Cutrone; founder of public relations, branding and marketing firm People's Revolution will be joining this years National Conference. This isn't the first time we've heard her name, from MTV's The Hills and The City; she's everyone's favorite scary boss lady. Her story is like no other, and has made it her mission to create a company of the future-she told everybody "PR is the new rock and roll!" The future of public relations is taking a charge, a change for the better; so now is the time to prepare for the future.
For more information on the PRSSA 2009 National Conference please go to